How To Help: Write to Governors/Editors

Governors oversee the executive branch of any state they administer. Frequently, they will interact with residents who live in their jurisdiction in order to solicit public opinion or to seek suggestions. Approaching somebody in this circumstance might be daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. 

The governor’s office usually receives 2500 messages/letters every week, which implies they do not have time to look through the majority of them. That is why the Hope Organization encourages everyone to send numerous letters every week, so that it is not only read but also set to make a genuine difference. Each week, the head of the department reports to the Governor on which problems individuals write them about, as well as how many people write in agreement or disagreement to the concerns they write about. More letters and greater individuals demand more attention.

Click on the ‘How to reach out’ button to see the handbook posted to see officially how it works. (document belongs to California’s Senate website)

What exactly is The Hope Organization asking for?

The Hope Organization is not opposed to animal testing in general; rather, we are focused about cosmetic testing. Medical research on animals, such as mice, is essential in order to efficiently create breakthrough treatments. This must be acknowledged because stopping testing on animals wholly would be very complicated, and we must approach legislatives in small steps.

Corporations, for legal reasons, run 1000x-concentration-on-rabbit-eyeball testing because it minimizes their risk of being sued by a $100 million lawsuit. Regardless of the finances, t his has to end. What we may anticipate is for the government to step in and regulate which types of testing are morally appropriate and which are prohibited due to cruelty without adequate gain. This is what we should write about and ask them about. Because government has both the motive and the power to prevent such brutality, advocates should focus their efforts there. We might also inquire about funding for researchers to search for alternative ways to test on animals.

Because there is no official prohibition in the United States on testing cosmetics on animals, firms who produce and market their products may choose to do animal testing. That is where we must step in.

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