Volunteer with Us

Although it may appear that there isn’t much that can be done, even a small group of people’s efforts can make a significant difference.

If you are in need of some volunteering hours credit:

Write to your local/state government.

primary legal authority for the control of animals is at the state level of government. You can do so much for these mistreated animals.

  • Write a letter to your state governors or county leaders outlining your suggestions for possible actions they could take to improve the environment.
  • Write to your state governor or county leaders about animal testing for cosmetic purposes and ask them to (e.g., shut down companies operating in their state if it involves animals, pass state laws) address the topics-whatever they may be.

“Legislators estimate that 10 letters from constituents represent the concerns of 10,000 citizens. Anybody who will take the time to write is voicing the fears and desires of thousands more.”

former member of Congress Billy Evans


first, look up who your federal/state reps are.

then explain in detail what you want to see happen with their guidance- it could be anything like- support the next anti-animal cosmetic testing bill” and explain why, spread awareness….

BCC us @thehopeoorganization@gmail.com in your letter if you are planning to email. Although this will get you your hours… It is not recommended because a handwritten one appears to be more valuable and meaningful.

Send us a copy/ scan of your hand written letter via email to claim your hours!

Each letter will earn you an hour for community service. Please put thought, time, and effort into it!

Write Blogs For Us- Outreach is so important

If you are interested in writing, please visit the blog page and send us an email. This could be a review of a cruelty-free product, an experience you had, current events, your opinions/arguments, or anything else you want to see published. The Hope Organization also advocates for environmental causes and raises awareness about issues such as waste, carbon emissions, and deforestation, among others! Those topics are always welcome as well! Although we are not an official publication (we still have many readers on a daily basis), we encourage and ask that you send us an email if you want to get something out there. If you are unsure about what you want to write about, please let us know and we will assign you a topic. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a permanent writer and would like to be considered for a position. We are always eager to connect with and talk to new people who share our passions and interests! We will gladly forward the application to you.