Meet Our Team

Ashley Lee

Founder of the Hope Organization. As a founder/ director, Ashley designed and set up this website, writes, researches for, and edits the blogs.

Ashley is now a senior at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. However, she was born in Seoul, South Korea and grew up in the Northern Virginia area. In sixth grade, she first realized her passion for bettering the lives of animals who spend their lives as testing experiments, and ever since, she has been working to make THO into a reality. On top of that, she is also eager to help with environmental issues. She was raised, following South Korea’s highly successful waste management law, which measures the volume of an individual’s waste and charges them accordingly to encourage producing as little waste as possible. Because she saw the effective program and gained interest in the field, Ashley is involved in several sustainability activities in both in and out of school and works to implement policies within the community to reduce waste and spreads awareness about sustainability. Ashley was a Leopold Scholar at The Lawrenceville School where she researched and explored works of Aldo Leopold, the program’s namesake and one of America’s conservation pioneers, to encourage people to think of land as a community rather than a commodity. In school, she also serves as the senior columnist of her school’s newspaper, where she hopes to gain opportunities of reaching out to the community with words. She is also the president of her school’s chapter of UNICEF, where she leads a club with over 40 members and plans fundraisers and service learning opportunities for her fellow students. She likes to travel, hike, and do pilates.  Ashley hopes to raise awareness in every state and even outside of the country, with the goal of putting an end to animal testing and promoting more cruelty-free products. She also hopes to collect petitions, start a social media movement, and even find a more morally correct way to manufacture safe and high-quality makeup.

Jasmine Zhang

Editorial Director and Sustainability Manager: Jasmine edits and contributes to blog posts, helps with website design, and spearheads sustainability initiatives and fundraising.

A junior at the Lawrenceville School in NJ, Jasmine aspires to create a positive impact through her passions in science and sustainability. In addition to her love for the Classics (Latin, Greek, etc.), she spends her free time engaging in sustainable gardening and cake decoration. Another prominent pastime of hers is volunteering, most recently at the Young Scholars Institute, providing assistance to underprivileged youth in a wide variety of subjects including Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, and English. Through the Hope Organization, Jasmine hopes to raise awareness through fundraisers, petitions, and knowledge distribution to work towards facilitating the use of more sustainable, cruelty-free makeup while retaining quality.

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Board Position:

  • Wholesale Manager- not available right now
  • Finance Manager- inactive.
  • Head of Event Managing- inactive.
  • Head of Graphics Editor- not accepting applications as of now.
  • Head of Website Editor- not accepting applications as of now.